"The Smile Says It All!"
Little did I know when I selected my first 140.6 distance race to complete I picked one of the hardest in the U.S. due to the elevation gain on the bike course. Yes, there are hills in Florida! Over 4700 feet of elevation gain for the Great Floridian 140.6. After reflecting on my race and how I felt. I feel very fortunate that I trained using the Tri Dominator training plan. From staying in my aerobic zone throughout the race to dialing in my fueling strategy during my my training. I know I wouldn't have had the great experience that I did. All throughout the race my head felt clear, my body felt well fueled and I notice my fellow competitors were not sharing the same experience that I was having. They had blank stares on their faces, their body were cramping and it looked like they were not having fun. As a result of following your Tri Dominator plan I finished 6th in my age group! Not bad for a first timer! 14:40:04
John Bateson
"I AM AN IRONMOM!!!! Even though I was hit by the car 10 weeks ago, losing 6 weeks of training, with all your input, ways to train while healing, information on pain relief, getting back on triathlon dominator plan, inspirational stories etc etc. I made it. It wasn't pretty, with worst winds they have had in 10 years, downpour rains and hail, but I made it!!! The Triathlon Dominator plan got me through." Patti K. from Ironman Arizona (pictured right)
"In January, I started using Ben Greenfield's Ironman Dominator Training Plan. My goal was to complete the Inauguaral Rev3 Cedar Point Full Rev. I have competed in triathlon for 6 years. My longest race was a half-iron which I bonked during the run. Ben's program is designed for busy people to train effectively without ignoring all the other things in life, such as family, friends, and work. The plan worked perfectly! I finished the race with a smile on my face. My overall time was 12:08. Ben's program along with the Holistic Fueling for Endurance Athletes helped show me what I was doing wrong. His plans are straight-forward and very adaptable. Ben also answered several questions I had throughout my training. During the plan,
I lost about 20 lbs but gained valuable lean muscle. I learned a ton about the good fuels to put into my body that helped me achieve my goal." - Ken (pictured left)
"Just wanted to let you know how well I did at Clearwater this past weekend using your dominator plan. I went ahead and followed what you told me to do for the 7 weeks leading up to clearwater after what was supposed to be my final race of the year and simply completed the final 7 weeks of the dominator plan all over again. I felt fresh and ready to go the final few days leading up to the race. With the exception of the very choppy swim and my terrible sighting on the way back into shore, the race couldn't have went much better. I finished 71st overall, 10th in M25-29 and a new PR of 4:08:0x. I am looking forward to two weeks completely off to refresh and stepping up to the ironman distance next year in my second season of triathlons. I will be using the dominator plan again, perhaps with a few of my own variations, and hope to snag myself a kona slot. Thanks for everything, especially the quick email responses." - Chris N.
"Completed my first half iron man and it was great. Right up until the gun went off I was referencing dominator and making sure I had the right diet plan. This program was incredible and while I still felt the pre race jitters I have never felt so prepared for anything. Looking forward to attending one of your camps." - Matt (pictured right with his copy of "Holistic Fueling for Ironman Triathletes")
"I'm using this plan to complete my first Ironman distance triathlon. The plan is great - no guesswork, easy to follow, and flexible. However, what has blown me away is the Nutrition component. I know people who have spent 100's of dollars on Nutrition consulting alone, and gotten half of the information that Ben has delivered. I will use this plan for the rest of my triathlon career, year after year."
"I can't say enough positive things about the great experience I had using your Triathlon Dominator plan. Completing an Ironman had been a dream of mine for 20 years but when I finally signed up for the Ironman Florida, I was still uncertain how I could fit in the training without negatively impacting my job or my family with 3 children under age 10. After researching numerous training programs, your Dominator plan stood out not only for providing more value than any other plan out there but most importantly, it simply made more sense. Throughout the 36 weeks, my fitness and confidence to complete Ironman methodically increased, and with the complement of HIT Training, strength training, and a new awareness of nutrition, I remained injury free all year. Equally important, I did so in a manageable amount of time having one of my best sales years ever and remaining actively involved in all family and social events. With my family there cheering me on, Ironman Florida could not have been a more enjoyable or rewarding experience. After a confident swim and well controlled bike, I felt great running every step of the marathon for an 11:41 finish! Thanks again for providing a rock solid training program and helping make this all possible!" Keith Jackson (pictured left) Marlton, NJ
click here to listen to an awesome story from Ironwoman Ashley!
click here to listen to an update from Patrick!
click here to listen to a race season update from Patrick!

click here to listen to an update from Chuck!
click here to listen to a Half Marathon update from Chuck!
click here to listen to an Olympic triathlon update from Chuck!

click here to listen to a mid-season update from Bret!
click here to listen to an Ironman St. George update from Bret!
click here to listen to
an Ironman Louisville update from Paul!
click here to listen to an update from David, who shaved 18 minutes off his Half Ironman!
...and here's another audio from Tekoi (pictured right) at Ironman Arizona!
"I did it! I remember sitting in my bed over 40 weeks ago at midnight, wanting to finally put a check mark on my bucket list to complete the ironman...I was researching for the perfect training schedule and came across yours multiple times...
I finally decided to click and commit with the Triathlon Dominator.... even through the 36 weeks, I was nervous, scared, stressed and concerned, but with a few simple emails to you... you simply put me back in line, into focus... and on my way with training again. 36 weeks later.... .... and I dominated! I am constantly replaying in my head the sound of.... "Lisa Tran... from Long Beach California... You are an.... IRONMAAAAAAAANNN...." I love it. Thank you Ben!
The morning of the race, I was scared, nervous and panicked.... the Ironman was about 75% men and only 25% woman... the anxiety built up on having to race with men three times my size. Thinking about swimming with these huge men in a small lake was wrecking. Though, once I was in the water and heard that gun go off...
I stayed focus and kept going through my head the drills, heart rate and your training schedule.... I did my own race.... it was just me and the Ironman. I finished strong just as you promised.... with two thumbs up in the air and an Ironman Texas Size Smile!
The only advice I have for other Triathlon Dominators... stick to the program, don't stress, look at your training every day and check it off as you complete each workout... most importantly.... trust it. Training to tackle 140.1 miles can be overwhelming to comprehend... but Ben's program WILL get you there. You will be well prepared! I will forever be thankful for your motivation and your training program. Every female that I come across with the desire to complete the Ironman will know who helped me get to the my finish, you!
TRIATHLON DOMINATOR will get anyone through that finishing chute with a huge smile for the cameras, and that awesome medal put around your neck! Lisa Tran, full time employed, with family commitments, social life style of a 30 year old... even had the time to dominate the IRONMAN in: 14:19:29... with Triathlon Dominator!"
Lisa (pictured above)
"Less than a year ago I saw an ad for a local sprint triathlon on Facebook and, on a lark, decided to enter the race. It was a blast and within 2 weeks I did another sprint and had even more fun. After the second one I decided to pull the trigger and commit to an Iron Distance event- I signed up for Vineman in Sonoma, CA. Now I needed help and having met Ben a couple of months earlier at a local networking event, and having signed up for his email list, and having my own wellness business, I knew Ben was for real- So I bought the online version of the Triathlon Dominator Package- mainly because it seemed very complete and tailored to get a newbie like myself up to speed not only on what to do on a daily basis but why and how. Perfect for my uber busy, business owner and family man lifestyle. In the beginning I had a bit of trouble getting up to speed with the workout schedule intensity- testament to coming off of a year of rehabilitation from abdominal surgery- but eventually I was doing all of the workouts with no problem. Body fat seemed to diminish gradually and I now look and feel the best I have in years. To be quite honest, over the course of the training schedule, I missed many training days due to work or family issues, and some days I simply took off as additional recovery days as needed but I simply picked up where the schedule dictated I be and my training continued to progress. About 4 mos out from my race, I began to panic about my fitness level- advice to those interested in Bens plan- don’t panic- just stick with the plan- but the panic subsided about 1 month out from my A race. My goal for the race was to finish before sundown (which I did) and to have a GREAT TIME (which I also did). I felt totally prepared for the race, I experienced ZERO nervousness before and during the race. I had great conservative swim (1:14), came out of the water feeling fresh, and although the bike was longer than anticipated due to a cleat malfunction and multiple pee stops (6:58 bike time on a mountain bike), I
felt great starting the run. Run was a bit slower than planned at 5:06 but I pulled out the stops during the last three miles and passed every single runner in my sight. Going into the chute I saw one runner far up ahead of me and committed to finishing with a bang – passing him about 20 ft from the tape. The crowd went wild as I crossed the finish line at 13:38:41. Thanks Ben! I’ve got 2 Half Iron Man Dist races left in the season and am looking forward to killing it!"
Manny (pictured left)
" Ben, I loved the Triathlon Dominator package. I followed this to a "T" with the exception of 2 separate weeks during the first 6 months of the plan when I had too much travel and my schedule was too hectic. Since this was my first triathlon, I bought the plan with the idea of using it to prepare for the Boise Ironman 70.3 and not going the full 9 months to train for a full Ironman. After tracking my times during training, I started to get a sense of what my time goal should be for the Boise 70.3. I had a goal to finish in 6 hours and finished in 5:53.
When I started training in December, I weighed 218 lbs. On race day in June I was 180lbs. My goal this year is to finish Boise 70.3 in under 5 hours.
Because I have a business that takes up a lot of my time, I really enjoyed the no guesswork part of the program. The training plan is very easy to follow and the meals are great as well. The program is worth so much more than what you charge for it. It's like having your own personal coach in your back pocket. Having a personal coach for one month costs the same as the entire Triathlon Dominator package. Because I followed the meal plan very closely, my wife enjoyed it as well because it meant I started doing some of the cooking. I could go on and on.
I recommended the program to a friend in the area, Luke Dillon, and he purchased it. I will continue to tell people about the program and direct them to the website to check it out for themselves.
Thanks again Ben for all the value you provide in your training plans.
I'll try to introduce myself if I see you around at any triathlons this year.
Best Regards, Bodie
(pictured above)