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"Successfully Finish Half Ironman and Ironman Triathlons While Reducing Your Average Training Times By 40-50%!"

"Free Up Your Valuable Time For Friends, Family and Career!"

Please Note: Results will vary by individual. To get the maximum results of this program you must read and follow all directions. The results achieved will be directly related to the effort you invest.

The Triathlon Dominator Package Includes Everything You Need to Take Your Abilities to the Next Level! See for Yourself Below Why this Program Will Change Your Life!

The Triathlon Dominator Package is your solution to overcoming any road blocks you've hit in your training in three important ways.

First, it defys the myth that the you have to give up your life to train for Ironman triathlon by the improvement you will see.

Second, you'll be obtaining for yourself a complete, step-by-step training, nutrition and lifestyle roadmap to cross the Ironman or Half-Ironman finish line with no guesswork!

Third, its a comprehensive solution to be completely confidence in your triathlon body, your fitness and the fact that you didn't have to neglect work, spouse, children, family and life to achieve your dream.

The official Ironman website recently posed this question: What is the average time it takes an "age-group" triathlete to prepare for an Ironman?

Here was the answer, based on the research at the Ironman website at Ironman.com: Triathletes train an average of seven months for the Ford Ironman World Championship. The average hours per week devoted to training for the World Championship generally fall between 18 and 22. Average training distances for the three events:

ironman coach

Miles per week swimming: 7 (11.3 km)

Miles per week biking: 232 (373.3 km)

Miles per week running: 48 (77.2 km)

But with the program on this page, you will be able to complete Ironman with an average swim distance of 5 miles per week, an average bike distance of 112 miles per week and average run distance of 27 miles per week.

And here's why: the majority of current training methods for an ultra-endurance event like an Ironman are derived from the training schedules, calendars, and lifestyles of professional Ironman triathletes who compete in the sport of triathlon for a living, and train for 20-35 hours in a week.

For those of us with full-time jobs and families, this is simply not a reality.

Some people believe that an Ironman triathlon can only be accomplished by sitting in a bike saddle for 5 hours, running for 3 hours and swimming for 10,000, 20,000 or 40,000 meters every week!

What happens if you believe this?

It means that for an important person like you with a busy life, a steady income, social obligations, kids, nightlife, and other hobbies, this style of triathlon preparation requires you to either abandon your dream of completing an Ironman triathlon OR selfishly neglect your friends, money, family and life...

"Until now!"

ironman training package

Introducing The Triathlon Dominator Package...

...your solution to 1) defying the myth that the you have to give up your life to train for Ironman triathlon, to 2) obtaining for yourself a complete, step-by-step training, nutrition and lifestyle roadmap to cross the Ironman or Half-Ironman finish line with no guesswork; and 3) a comprehensive solution to be completely confident in your triathlon body, your fitness and the fact that you didn't have to neglect work, spouse, children, family and life to achieve your dream.

triathlon bookIf you have a deep desire and dream to cross the Ironman finish line or do an 70.3 or Half-Ironman event, then The Triathlon Dominator Package was designed for you. With four separate manuals, an option to use "TrainingPeaks", and a series of cutting-edge CD's and DVD's designed by Ben Greenfield (an Ironman Hawaii veteran with master's degrees in exercise physiology and biomechanics, and an advanced certication in sports nutrition) your Ironman domination will be based on the following complete set of unique Ironman triathlon training instructional materials that you are about to discover...

In just a minute (farther down this page) you'll find out the details of every single component of the The Triathlon Dominator Package. But because you're an intelligent individual who doesn't want be like the other Ironman triathletes who go out and train blindly with no clue what they are doing, you must understand why you are going to achieve maximum results with minimal training time, right?

Here is the key: the entire Triathlon Dominator Package was designed using the following 7 Crucial Principles that Ben has discovered over the past decade of studying, training, racing and coaching pro and amateur endurance athletes, and that he uses himself to post blazing fast speeds in Ironman with just a fraction of the work...

ironman training tips

Principle 1 - "HIT Training":Multiple research studies have proven that high-intensity interval training (HIIT) can produce superior cardiovascular and muscular endurance adaptations, allowing you to simulate the endurance enhancing effect of a 3-4 hour training session with as little as 30-40 minutes of scientifically based interval training. The Triathlon Dominator Package takes full advantage of this research by telling you exactly how many intervals to do, how long to work, how long to rest, and which days to perform these "get the most bang for your buck" sessions. As an added bonus, the short and highly effective gym workout sessions included with the program also feature HIIT sessions, instructional exercise videos (screenshot below) and exact protocols for ensuring you're in and out of the weightroom as quickly as possible.

high intensity interval training

Principle 2 - "Periodization":Periodization is the practice of splitting a training and an eating year (or in this case, a 9 month period of time) into specific blocks of training and eating, each with a specific purpose. By hammering home skills such as force, power, muscular endurance, explosiveness or speed into separately designed training blocks of key workouts, The Triathlon Dominator Package allows your triathlon fitness to progress at bullet-speed. Furthermore, to keep your body bulletproof and at razor-sharp recovery capacity, your completely designed meal plan (screenshot below), carbohydrate, protein and fat intake also changes along with these alterations in training. The principle of Periodization means that your plan includes precise instructions for swim form drills, cycling skill workouts, running drills, how to calculate your heart rate zones, how to use an optional power meter on your bike, quick and easy to prepare meals, and the dozens of other crucially important details the Ironman triathlete should be incorporating.

periodization triathlon

Principle 3 - "Strategic Rest & Test":Most training programs adhere to the concept of simply laying off and resting every 4th week. Instead of utilizing this rigid method, The Triathlon Dominator Package takes advantage of rest weeks by A) combining exact protocols to test your swimming, cycling and running progress with the weeks where you performing the easiest, recovery workouts; B) giving your body the exact dietary supplements and fueling specifications it will need for the recovery week and C) supplying you with all the tips and tricks your body will need for training recovery. And so you don't have to worry about randomly jotting your test results onto a notepad, you're also supplied with all the logs that you need to keep track of these important tests (screenshot below). This means that during your 9 months of training for Ironman, you'll never go more than just a few weeks without getting to recover, re-test and discover exactly how quickly your body is transforming to dominate Ironman.

ironman recovery

Principle 4 - "Racing":The path to both physican and mental domination in Ironman triathlon is to race and compete in triathlons during your build-up to the big day. Therefore, The Triathlon Dominator Package allows for a half-marathon or an Olympic distance race or race simulation at week 12, a sprint distance race or race simulation at weeks 21 and 22, an Olympic distance race or race simulation at week 25 and a Half-Ironman race or race simulation at week 26. Even if you don't actually race on these weeks, there are clear instructions for exactly how to simulate each race. By utilizing this principle, your mind will be razor-sharp for race day, and your confidence will soar. Of course, you also have to know what to eat for the week leading up to the race, and you have to know that you won't be that person with severe "nutritional issues" - walking with a stomach cramp or doubled over with diarrhea on the marathon. Don't worry. It's all taken care of in the program (screenshot below): you'll know exactly what to eat, what to drink, and precise fueling quantities and times.

racing triathlon

Principle 5 - "No Guesswork": You can't afford to waste any time, to guess about how long to go, how hard to go, or which drills to do, right? You also can't waste your time wondering what to order at the restaurant, how to choose your post-workout meals, and which pills, capsules and powders are the best or a waste of your money. The No Guesswork Principle used to design The Triathlon Dominator Package is based on the fact that if it's not 100% clear what you're supposed to be doing in your training, you're going to be more likely to fiddle away your precious hours with "junk miles". This not only steals time from family, fun and work, but also leaves you more likely to make mistakes, to overtrain, or to completely destroy your potential to dominate. Furthermore, if it's not 100% clear how you're supposed to be fueling or hydrating, you're going to be more likely to mess up your workout recovery, unable to exercise at your maximum capacity, and most importantly, unlikely to complete the Ironman (unless you're OK with a slow walk during the marathon). So from day 1 of your training, you'll be taught exactly what you are supposed to do for both exercise and eating. Just check out the screenshots below, taken from week 1:

ironman weekly plan ironman training

Principle 6 - "Holistic Fueling":Unfortunately many endurance athletes use the rigor of training and a speedy metabolism to justify a diet that is incredibly calorie dense (as it should be), but is also high in foods that can cause damage to human performance, the immune system, the heart, the hormones and overall health. It makes you want to shout, "If your diet wasn't so crappy, maybe you wouldn't have to train so much!" It is very important to understand that with an exercise regimen that is already very difficult for the average human body to absorb, you as a triathlete must adopt a nutrition protocol that supports complete health, and not just "cheap gasoline fuel" for exercise. The solution that is presented The Triathlon Dominator Package involves a proprietary endurance athlete nutrition program that focuses on promoting rapid recovery, fighting inflammation, reducing potential toxins, and powering the immune system. You'll be given a healthy meal plan that includes anti-inflammatory foods and nutrition supplements, learn how to avoid common traps while grocery shopping (screenshot below), and get perfectly balanced ratios of protein, carbohydrate and fat. You're going to be supplied with a "no-guesswork" nutrition plan that you can simply plug into your training calendar. When your cells are "firing on all cylinders", it is really a magical feeling, especially during a long day like Ironman. The Triathlon Dominator Package holds the key to ensuring that you cross the finish line with a smile on your face, knowing that you've cared for your body and that you've done no damage with your high daily caloric intake.

ironman nutrition

Principle 7 - "Time Flexibility":Let's face it - life happens. As a result, there may be days where you simply can't complete a planned workout or you have to "mix-n-match" workouts in order to attend an important board meeting, make it to your kid's soccer tournament, or go to a holiday party. With your hectic lifestyle in mind, The Triathlon Dominator Package was designed to be incredibly flexible and can be re-arranged without disrupting the overall effectiveness of the program. For example, one week in the schedule involves Monday and Wednesday cycling and strength training sessions, Tuesday and Thursday runs and a Friday rest day. But you can easily shift the workouts to separate days, or even choose a different day for a rest day. Even the weekends are flexible, you get to choose which days to complete the workouts depeneding on whether Saturday or Sunday is best for you. In other words, the entire plan is based on the concept that with proper training methods, you can cross the Ironman finish line with a big smile on your face, guilt-free that you didn't neglect work, spouse, children, family and life.

"So Are You Ready to Break This Mold and Dominate Ironman?"

It doesn't matter whether you're a complete beginner or you're one of the fittest people you know. Just sit back for a moment and imagine yourself opening The Triathlon Dominator Package when it arrives on your doorstep (and yes, these are real books, CD's and DVD's that you will get in your mailbox, not electronic downloads!). Here are the keys to Ironman domination that you'll be holding in your hands:

The Official 36 Week Ironman Dominator Plan is a professionally written and 100% complete customized training plan for an entire nine months of training, with detailed daily workout instructions for every week, logs to keep track of your progress, exact intensity recommendations, written strength training and injury prevention protocols, and swimming, cycling and running workout descriptions that leave you with zero guesswork in your quest to cross the Ironman finish line....

...if you're ready to break the mold and learn how to confidently stand on the beach on Ironman morning, ready to dominate your race, then thisplan is designed for you. And because it includes specific testing to identify your customized intensity for each workout, it works for ALL triathlon fitness levels. You don't have to be a triathlon expert or super-fit ex-Navy Seal. But no matter what your fitness level, a single underlying week ironman planconcept forms the foundation of the entire 9 month plan: utilize science and proven methods to get maximum benefit from every workout. You'll also get full TrainingPeaks access to your plan and a free TrainingPeaks account! *

*plan includes full Half-Ironman modification instructions
As you may already know, there are literally hundreds of strength training programs for triathletes. You can find them scattered across the web, among the pages of strength research journals, and in popular health and fitness magazines. The benefits of strength training cannot be denied - reduced risk of injury, enhanced force application, higher economy, and better overall health.

But unfortunately, the strength training programs on the market today are too complex and time consuming for the Ironman triathlete - too much volume, too much complication, too many exercises. In addition, many programs include components that are a waste of time for a triathlete - bicep curls, tricep pushdowns, abdominal crunches, leg extension machines, and a host of other ineffective and potentially damaging exercises.

Over years of training hundreds of different body styles and fitness levels, Ben Greenfield has found that simple, multi-joint, functional exercises are a fast and highly effective way for the busy, multi-sport athlete to stay fit. These simple exercises can be created into brief 20-30 minute routines that can then be altered in small ways throughout the training year to follow the model of "periodization". By altering weight, sets, and reps, you can optimize your training. and the Top 12 Resistance Training Routines for Triathletes book outlines twelve of the most effective resistance training routines for triathletes - routines that Ben Greenfield follows in his own traininggym triathlon and prescribes to many of the athletes he coaches. A rock-solid strength training program is the final link in an Ironman triathlete's physical chain - providing the structural integrity for enhanced speed and training efficiency in swimming, cycling, and running. You'll grow stronger each day with these routines, and this book tells you exactly when and how to do each workout.
It's a hard and cruel fact that 99% of the errors made by Ironman triathletes occur during that very last week. It's a pity to see multiple months of training go down the drain with just a few simple and easily avoidable errors.

As a matter of fact, go ahead and ask yourself this question: do I know exactly what to eat on race week, what to put in my 5 registration bags, how early to get to transition, where to line up on the beach race morning, what to put on my bike in transition, how to do my taper workouts, where my heart rate should be on the bike, what I should carry with me on the run, and how I am supposed to mentally attack mile 20?

In just 40 minutes on the The No-Guesswork Guide To Ironman Race Week CD, Ben Greenfield walks you step-by-step through all this and much more, covering every tiny detail of Ironman race week, including tips, tricks and secretslike the two-day-fiber-taper, ironman race week tipshow to time caffeine intake, what to put in your race registration bags, the single most important thing you must do in the transition tent before heading from the swim to the bike, everything that you must avoid during the run and even how to mentally approach the final 8 weeks in order to truly dominate Ironman.

Having watched literally hundreds of races and talked with thousands of athletes after races, Ben has seen every mistake a triathlete can make, and in this frank and straightforward audio program, he sits down and clearly explains how many triathletes completely destroy their race from a nutrition, training or pacing perspective.

In Top Ten Mistakes Made By Triathletes you'll learn exactly how complete beginners to advanced triathletes make easy-to-avoid mistakes that cost valuable time and eliminate any chance of success.

Rather than make these mistakes yourself, you'll learn from Ben exactly what to avoid leading up to the race, the crucial nutrition mistakes to avoid before the race, and how you can completely reomove the risk of messing up on the swim, the bike and the run. The majority of triathletes committ the key tactical errors that Ben will teach you how to avoid in this comprehensive audio discussion.

Holistic Fueling For Ironman Triathletes was designed to be a comprehensive daily nutrition plan for Ironman that goes far beyond simple "meal suggestions". Instead, you'll receive an exact weekly plan for your early season training, building to a race, carb loading, race day fueling, and even off-season and recovery weeks. With the life of a busy Ironman triathlete in mind, the meal plan includes minimal meal preparation times and food choices that are easily accessible at commercial grocery stores.

In addition, nutritional supplements and ergogenic aids for each period of the training year are included, complete with discount codes and dosage suggestions. Most importantly, this plan is designed with your health in mind. You will have the ultimate solution to consuming thousands of calories without fueling for ironmandestroying your body. You'll first learn the practical and easy-to-understand human science behind the nutrition plan, then you'll be given a detailed, no-guesswork meal plan, along with a final FAQ and dietary supplements section.

Top 12 Resistance Training Routines for Triathletes DVD literally takes you to a completely new level of understanding and motivation for hitting the gym with the exact moves necessary for dominating Ironman triathlon with as little time "lifting weights" as possible..

As soon as you play this DVD, you're given an opportunity to view real-time footage of Ben Greenfield demonstrating every exercise in the exact sequence prescribed by the workout. Once you learn from the experts by checking out the twelve highly effective workout routines contained on the Top 12 Resistance Training Routines for Triathletes DVD, you will never stand in the gym scratching your head and trying to remember how to move your arms and legs during an exercise.

triathlon exercise videoInstead, while all the other Ironman triathletes spend 60-90 minutes doing boring, highly repetitive and ineffective workout routines, you will blast in and out of the gym in no time flat (that is, if you even decide to go to the gym...since every workout in this manual can be completed with just dumbbells, a stability ball and some elastic bands!).

Navigating the wide world of nutritional supplements can be a scary, hazardous and expensive affair. This is no more true than in Ironman, where the majority of nutritional supplement advice is coming from bodybuilders, football players and a 'roid rage weightlifting community.

What will give you more endurance? What will increase your VO2 Max? What will help you to buffer lactic acid? What will guarantee you aren't stricken with the "Ironman flu"? And perhaps most importantly, what will ensure that you aren't peeing away hundred of dollars of wasted money on supplements?

In The Endurance Sports Supplements Secrets CD, certified sports nutritionist Ben Greenfield explains in plain English the purpose and science behind nutritional supplementation. He then goes on to tell you exactly which pills, capsules, drinks, and powders work and which don't. You'll learn about what to avoid and you'll also learn about the crucial sports performance aids that add light-years of endurance sports supplements speed and massively greater recovery to your Ironman training and racing. Why waste time in the supplements outlet or on some fringe website wondering what dietary aids actually work? Hear the truth about supplements from an experienced coach and nationally published nutritionist.

So if you eat your fruits and vegetables, expose yourself to adequate sunlight, get plenty of sleep, and stay well hydrated, your body shouldn't really need a supplemental source of vitamins and minerals, right?
Wrong. The hard fact is that 1) most produce is grown in nutrient-depleted soil; 2) as the body ages, it's ability to absorb food nutrients is significantly decreased; 3) commercial harvesting, shipping processes, long term food storage, processing, and addition of preservatives degrades the nutrient content of food; 4) pesticides, herbicides, and chemicals found in the modern food supply are combined with chemicals in water, environmental contamination from elements such as degraded plastic, air pollution from carbon monoxide, lead and mercury; 5) the frequent exercise required for Ironman triathlon vastly increases nutrient needs.
The Triathlon Supplements Discount Guide is based on these 5 powerful reasons that in order to complete Ironman triathlon with minimal training, you need to take supplements, no matter how "healthy" your diet may be. And it sure would be nice if you were holding a thick stack of coupons and proprietary discount codes to make your job easy and inexpensive!
The bottom line is this: if you really want to stand at the starting line of a triathlon and be completely confident that you have tuned your engine as finely as possible and given your body the fuel that it needs for optimum energy, then you must add high-nutrient supplements to your healthy diet. But rather than "trial-and-error" your way to Ironman, stumbling through 9 months of trying to figure out what makes you feel strong and what gives you embarassing gas and diarrhea, you're going to be provided with Ben Greenfield's hand-picked and proven dietary aids triathlon supplementsfor dominating Ironman triathlon. Special coupons for rapid recovery supplements, health and immune system boosters, training and racing performance aids, and exclusive discounts of up to 40% are all included in The Triathlon Supplements Discount Guide.
"What People Are Saying..."

First, I want to thank you for such a great program you put together for the Dominator package. I used it to complete my first Ironman in Maryland, October 17th 2015. It lives up to every one of its claims! As a 38 year old professional working 45-60 hrs per week with 3 young kids I chose the program for the lower training volume. I'm happy to say that I'm still married and my kids still know my name! I also put on more lean muscle and trimmed down more than ever in 6 years of doing traithlons. The combination of targeted strength training and good nutrition helped more than I thought. I also got through 9 months without any training related injury (a feat for me!). Even when I did hurt my shoulder 1 week before the race due to an incident moving a dresser at home, the strength I had built up and the good swim form developed with the drills helped me heal fast and still clock a swim time under an hour.

The race itself went off without much issue and I finished in under 12 hrs! I felt confident the whole time because of the training and preparation.

IMG_1858 IMG_1869

- Michael Quinn

Good news, IM AZ (my first) went well with a big thanks to you. My first goal was to "finish" haha! Overall goal was 14 hrs and I finished 14:16:44.... I'm pleased for my first time out at Iron distance.

Bad news: I didn't use your training course to it's fullest potential. Partly due to a lack of discipline on my part and partly due to a "funky" work schedule as I had emailed earlier in the fall. The higher intensity approach was great overall and served me well. After the event I asked my wife if she felt like a "Iron widow" due to my training... she giggled and said "I think you should have trained more."

Nick Tuttle

Nick picture
Click here to listen to Nick's review!.
Also check out Nick's blog The Wealthy Dad.

Eric Racing

"I am only about a year into my triathlon experience and have been spending hours training dumbly for the California Ironman 70.3 coming up in March. This program opened my eyes to how wrong I was training and I have learned so much from it and the multitude of other resources that Ben offers. The best part about this plan is the access to your own personal trainer. It is more than a sales pitch, I have asked several questions via e-mail and he has responded to all of them within a few hours."

Eric from Fountain Valley, CA

click here to listen to Eric's review!

click here to listen to Eric's update just 2 months in!

click here to listen to Stephen's review!

click here to listen to an update from Stephen!

click here to listen to Todd's Review

click here to listen to an update from Todd!

"Highly Recommended! I work full time, travel with my Job, I able to spend time with my family after work, etc... Awesome plan for busy age groupers with "real" jobs!!! Thanks Ben for all your hard work and thoughts put into this training plan!"

click here to listen to Derek's story from his first Ironman as a Dominator (Derek pictured below with his medal)!

"Ben, just wanted to tell you how well I did in my last triathlon using your dominator plan...figure you could use it as advertising/testimonial. Last weekend I competed in The Musselman half-ironman distance triathlon (my first 70.3 distance) and finished 4th place overall in a time of 4:30:05. 1st through 3rd were all either professionals or elite and all were kona qualifiers." - Chris (pictured left)

"Excellent resource. I had looked at buying a plan from TrainingPeaks.com for over $200, but came here and found this package with TONS of resources for half the price AND it's TrainingPeaks.com compatible. I had a question about the program and got a response from Ben within the hour. I'm in the third week of training for my first Ironman and am loving it!"

"The Dominator plan did gave me time with my family and kept me in the zone with Ironman training. The online support you give is unbelievable. You ALWAYS answered my questions in a timely manner and went far and beyond in helping me understand what the exercise did for my training. I am very pleased with my purchase and excited to start my future training." - Greg (pictured right)

"I really like the Dominator plan. It is easy to understand. I lead such a busy life, as most of us do, I need workouts that are going to get me the results without wasting lot of time."

"On September 12, I completed the Ironman Wisconsin race. I participated in your program, followed your advice, took some of the supplements and felt great on race day! Thanks so much." - Joel (pictured left)

"Just started using this program. Ben made it very easy to get up and running in combination with Training Peaks. Its easy to understand, and for so little has lots of great information. Also the support that you also get is great. In 8 months when I do Ironman Canada I will tell you how it worked out. This is my first iron man. Thanks, Ben"

"I am in week 5 of the plan. It is fantastic. The varied workouts don't let you get bored. This is the first program I have found that focuses and tells you how to test your HR, which from my research is very important. I am using it for my first 1/2IM this year and then for my first long course."

"I just started this plan, but in using the nutrition plan to jump start my triathlon season has been great. A busy mom of 3 with a full-time job and a teacher/coach as a husband, I would recommend this program to any and all. I feel like I have trainer at hand to answer my questions whenever I need it and I've only completed week 1 of training!"

"I am a 33 year old miner in Utah that can sometimes work up to 60 hour weeks and I go between day and night shift. Working on minimal (4 or 5 hours of) sleep some days, I needed a program that would keep me healthy and perform at my best. I started doing triathlons in 2002 and had previously done IronMan Coeur D'Alene. The Dominator package gave me everything I needed to get PRs in every race I did, at the Sprint, Olympic and IronMan distance. At the Alaska State Championship I finished in 2:14, which put me 9th overall. At IronMan Arizona in November, I finished in 11:28 (my goal was to be sub 11:30) and shaved 2 hours off my time at IMCDA where I showed up overtrained and exhausted. The reduced amount of hours and emphasis on quality training and proper nutrition over junk hours and food makes the Dominator package the best complete training program I have seen to date. For those of you who are doubtful, this plan is worth its weight in gold. Your accessibility, combined with the information on injury prevention, the podcasts, and overall foundation that comes in following your recommendations, is above and beyond anything else out there." - Alecio

"Ben, hope that you are well."

"I completed Ironman UK on Sunday in 12 hours 36 minutes after following your plan for the past 36 weeks. I had a fantastic day which I enjoyed very much."

  • Swim 1:10
  • Bike 7:12
  • Run 4:01

"When using your hostlic eating guide I found that I had to up the calories quite alot due to my work which is physical and outdoors, I mainly acheived this by increasing the fruit and veg amounts."

"But in following your plan I felt that I have done no junk miles, I have not wasted any time, not rejected my family and even managed to work overtime. A couple of days on now and I have recovered well, and considering an olympic distance in September, but will be back to Ironman next season."

"Thanks once again for a great plan."

Grant (pictured above)

click here to hear to Luke's Review.

"Thanks for the email & opportunity to share a little story."

After finishing my first IM Port Macquarie, Australia with a time of 15:24:34, I purchased the Triathlon Dominator Package.

Following the training & nutrition plans I was able to reduce my overall time by 49 minutes when I finished the IM Port Macquarie, Australia race in a time 14:35:30. IM Australia is considered as a hilly and hard course.

I found the supplement guide to be most informative & have been using many of the products that you recommend.

I have been fortunate enough to secure a places in IM Busselton, Western Australia in December, along with IM Melbourne, Australia in March and also IM Port Macquarie, Australia in April.

Having a busy schedule and following your training and nutrition plans I hope to continue my improvements and reach my new PB of under 14hours.

I have and do continue to recommend The Triathlon Dominator Package." - Regards, Geoff Adams

"Hey Ben-

I just finished Ironman Cozumel and had a great race, dropping 40 minutes from my PR. It was my second Ironman, and following the Triathlon Dominator program helped tremendously. I’m married, work full-time, and have 2 grade-school daughters, so my training time is limited.

By following your program, not only did I feel well prepared for my Ironman (demostrated by my marathon and half-Ironman PR’s leading up to the race), but my training this time around didn’t impact my family as much and left me with more day-to-day energy (during my training for my previous Ironman I felt like a zombie for several months!).

I particularly liked the emphasis on hills and speed work (even though my race was 12 hours and flat!); those workouts epitomize intensity over volume and I saw dramatic gains because of them. I’m scouting out my next Ironman, will follow this program again, and will hopefully shed another 40 minutes!

-Matt Rodgers"

"The Smile Says It All!"

Little did I know when I selected my first 140.6 distance race to complete I picked one of the hardest in the U.S. due to the elevation gain on the bike course. Yes, there are hills in Florida! Over 4700 feet of elevation gain for the Great Floridian 140.6. After reflecting on my race and how I felt. I feel very fortunate that I trained using the Tri Dominator training plan. From staying in my aerobic zone throughout the race to dialing in my fueling strategy during my my training. I know I wouldn't have had the great experience that I did. All throughout the race my head felt clear, my body felt well fueled and I notice my fellow competitors were not sharing the same experience that I was having. They had blank stares on their faces, their body were cramping and it looked like they were not having fun. As a result of following your Tri Dominator plan I finished 6th in my age group! Not bad for a first timer! 14:40:04

John Bateson

ironmom"I AM AN IRONMOM!!!! Even though I was hit by the car 10 weeks ago, losing 6 weeks of training, with all your input, ways to train while healing, information on pain relief, getting back on triathlon dominator plan, inspirational stories etc etc. I made it. It wasn't pretty, with worst winds they have had in 10 years, downpour rains and hail, but I made it!!! The Triathlon Dominator plan got me through." Patti K. from Ironman Arizona (pictured right)

"In January, I started using Ben Greenfield's Ironman Dominator Training Plan. My goal was to complete the Inauguaral Rev3 Cedar Point Full Rev. I have competed in triathlon for 6 years. My longest race was a half-iron which I bonked during the run. Ben's program is designed for busy people to train effectively without ignoring all the other things in life, such as family, friends, and work. The plan worked perfectly! I finished the race with a smile on my face. My overall time was 12:08. Ben's program along with the Holistic Fueling for Endurance Athletes helped show me what I was doing wrong. His plans are straight-forward and very adaptable. Ben also answered several questions I had throughout my training. During the plan, I lost about 20 lbs but gained valuable lean muscle. I learned a ton about the good fuels to put into my body that helped me achieve my goal." - Ken (pictured left)

"Just wanted to let you know how well I did at Clearwater this past weekend using your dominator plan.  I went ahead and followed what you told me to do for the 7 weeks leading up to clearwater after what was supposed to be my final race of the year and simply completed the final 7 weeks of the dominator plan all over again.  I felt fresh and ready to go the final few days leading up to the race.  With the exception of the very choppy swim and my terrible sighting on the way back into shore, the race couldn't have went much better.  I finished 71st overall, 10th in M25-29 and a new PR of 4:08:0x.  I am looking forward to two weeks completely off to refresh and stepping up to the ironman distance next year in my second season of triathlons.  I will be using the dominator plan again, perhaps with a few of my own variations, and hope to snag myself a kona slot.  Thanks for everything, especially the quick email responses." - Chris N.

"Completed my first half iron man and it was great. Right up until the gun went off I was referencing dominator and making sure I had the right diet plan. This program was incredible and while I still felt the pre race jitters I have never felt so prepared for anything. Looking forward to attending one of your camps." - Matt (pictured right with his copy of "Holistic Fueling for Ironman Triathletes")

"I'm using this plan to complete my first Ironman distance triathlon. The plan is great - no guesswork, easy to follow, and flexible. However, what has blown me away is the Nutrition component. I know people who have spent 100's of dollars on Nutrition consulting alone, and gotten half of the information that Ben has delivered. I will use this plan for the rest of my triathlon career, year after year."

"I can't say enough positive things about the great experience I had using your Triathlon Dominator plan. Completing an Ironman had been a dream of mine for 20 years but when I finally signed up for the Ironman Florida, I was still uncertain how I could fit in the training without negatively impacting my job or my family with 3 children under age 10. After researching numerous training programs, your Dominator plan stood out not only for providing more value than any other plan out there but most importantly, it simply made more sense. Throughout the 36 weeks, my fitness and confidence to complete Ironman methodically increased, and with the complement of HIT Training, strength training, and a new awareness of nutrition, I remained injury free all year. Equally important, I did so in a manageable amount of time having one of my best sales years ever and remaining actively involved in all family and social events. With my family there cheering me on, Ironman Florida could not have been a more enjoyable or rewarding experience. After a confident swim and well controlled bike, I felt great running every step of the marathon for an 11:41 finish! Thanks again for providing a rock solid training program and helping make this all possible!" Keith Jackson (pictured left) Marlton, NJ

click here to listen to an awesome story from Ironwoman Ashley!

click here to listen to an update from Patrick!

click here to listen to a race season update from Patrick!

click here to listen to an update from Chuck!

click here to listen to a Half Marathon update from Chuck!

click here to listen to an Olympic triathlon update from Chuck!

click here to listen to a mid-season update from Bret!

click here to listen to an Ironman St. George update from Bret!

click here to listen to an Ironman Louisville update from Paul!

click here to listen to an update from David, who shaved 18 minutes off his Half Ironman!

...and here's another audio from Tekoi (pictured right) at Ironman Arizona!

"I did it! I remember sitting in my bed over 40 weeks ago at midnight, wanting to finally put a check mark on my bucket list to complete the ironman...I was researching for the perfect training schedule and came across yours multiple times...

I finally decided to click and commit with the Triathlon Dominator.... even through the 36 weeks, I was nervous, scared, stressed and concerned, but with a few simple emails to you... you simply put me back in line, into focus... and on my way with training again. 36 weeks later.... .... and I dominated! I am constantly replaying in my head the sound of.... "Lisa Tran... from Long Beach California... You are an.... IRONMAAAAAAAANNN...." I love it. Thank you Ben!

The morning of the race, I was scared, nervous and panicked.... the Ironman was about 75% men and only 25% woman... the anxiety built up on having to race with men three times my size. Thinking about swimming with these huge men in a small lake was wrecking. Though, once I was in the water and heard that gun go off...

I stayed focus and kept going through my head the drills, heart rate and your training schedule.... I did my own race.... it was just me and the Ironman. I finished strong just as you promised.... with two thumbs up in the air and an Ironman Texas Size Smile!

The only advice I have for other Triathlon Dominators... stick to the program, don't stress, look at your training every day and check it off as you complete each workout... most importantly.... trust it. Training to tackle 140.1 miles can be overwhelming to comprehend... but Ben's program WILL get you there. You will be well prepared! I will forever be thankful for your motivation and your training program. Every female that I come across with the desire to complete the Ironman will know who helped me get to the my finish, you!

TRIATHLON DOMINATOR will get anyone through that finishing chute with a huge smile for the cameras, and that awesome medal put around your neck! Lisa Tran, full time employed, with family commitments, social life style of a 30 year old... even had the time to dominate the IRONMAN in: 14:19:29... with Triathlon Dominator!"

Lisa (pictured above)

"Less than a year ago I saw an ad for a local sprint triathlon on Facebook and, on a lark, decided to enter the race. It was a blast and within 2 weeks I did another sprint and had even more fun. After the second one I decided to pull the trigger and commit to an Iron Distance event- I signed up for Vineman in Sonoma, CA. Now I needed help and having met Ben a couple of months earlier at a local networking event, and having signed up for his email list, and having my own wellness business, I knew Ben was for real- So I bought the online version of the Triathlon Dominator Package- mainly because it seemed very complete and tailored to get a newbie like myself up to speed not only on what to do on a daily basis but why and how. Perfect for my uber busy, business owner and family man lifestyle. In the beginning I had a bit of trouble getting up to speed with the workout schedule intensity- testament to coming off of a year of rehabilitation from abdominal surgery- but eventually I was doing all of the workouts with no problem. Body fat seemed to diminish gradually and I now look and feel the best I have in years. To be quite honest, over the course of the training schedule, I missed many training days due to work or family issues, and some days I simply took off as additional recovery days as needed but I simply picked up where the schedule dictated I be and my training continued to progress. About 4 mos out from my race, I began to panic about my fitness level- advice to those interested in Bens plan- don’t panic- just stick with the plan- but the panic subsided about 1 month out from my A race. My goal for the race was to finish before sundown (which I did) and to have a GREAT TIME (which I also did). I felt totally prepared for the race, I experienced ZERO nervousness before and during the race. I had great conservative swim (1:14), came out of the water feeling fresh, and although the bike was longer than anticipated due to a cleat malfunction and multiple pee stops (6:58 bike time on a mountain bike), I felt great starting the run. Run was a bit slower than planned at 5:06 but I pulled out the stops during the last three miles and passed every single runner in my sight. Going into the chute I saw one runner far up ahead of me and committed to finishing with a bang – passing him about 20 ft from the tape. The crowd went wild as I crossed the finish line at 13:38:41. Thanks Ben! I’ve got 2 Half Iron Man Dist races left in the season and am looking forward to killing it!"

Manny (pictured left)

" Ben, I loved the Triathlon Dominator package. I followed this to a "T" with the exception of 2 separate weeks during the first 6 months of the plan when I had too much travel and my schedule was too hectic. Since this was my first triathlon, I bought the plan with the idea of using it to prepare for the Boise Ironman 70.3 and not going the full 9 months to train for a full Ironman. After tracking my times during training, I started to get a sense of what my time goal should be for the Boise 70.3. I had a goal to finish in 6 hours and finished in 5:53.

When I started training in December, I weighed 218 lbs. On race day in June I was 180lbs. My goal this year is to finish Boise 70.3 in under 5 hours.

Because I have a business that takes up a lot of my time, I really enjoyed the no guesswork part of the program. The training plan is very easy to follow and the meals are great as well. The program is worth so much more than what you charge for it. It's like having your own personal coach in your back pocket. Having a personal coach for one month costs the same as the entire Triathlon Dominator package. Because I followed the meal plan very closely, my wife enjoyed it as well because it meant I started doing some of the cooking. I could go on and on.

I recommended the program to a friend in the area, Luke Dillon, and he purchased it. I will continue to tell people about the program and direct them to the website to check it out for themselves.

Thanks again Ben for all the value you provide in your training plans.

I'll try to introduce myself if I see you around at any triathlons this year.

Best Regards, Bodie
(pictured above)

Jordan Shank

I just finished Ironman Texas (my first Ironman), and what an amazing feeling it was to cross that finish line. I know that I would never have made it without such a rock solid training plan as the Ironman Dominator.

I trained for the Ironman at one of the busiest times of my life. Over the past 9 months while training for the Ironman….

…I got engaged to the love of my life (she loved how much time I was still able to spend with her and train)
… continued to run my company
… became a partner in 2 other companies and continue to run them…

I did that while training for the Ironman and continuing to keep up with my friends and family.

It's kind of funny to think about now, but I did the whole bike part of the Ironman on a crappy road bike! I decided to put my money into an engagement ring (it was the correct choice :) instead of a new tri bike, so I had to make do with my old road bike.

My time was 14:59 which isn't that great, but considering the bike I was using, and the fact that I missed a lot of training days towards the end because I was so busy… I was ok with it. I think I also over hydrated on the bike. I am from Colorado and the race was in Texas and so I was concerned about a higher sweat rate than normal. So I drank a TON of extra water which meant I had to stop to use the restroom about 6 or 7 times on the bike.

I also had never done an open water swim before Ironman.

And the longest triathlon distance I had done prior to Ironman was a Sprint (due to unusually bad weather here in CO that put a damper on my simulated training schedule).

Just so you can have a laugh… I've attached a picture of me and my bike… as well as me at body marking. When I get the official pictures back from the race… I'll send you one of me crossing the finish line. Feel free to use this on your website as a testimonial. If the Ironman Dominator can work for me, it can work for anyone!!

Thanks again, Ben! Hope to meet you in person at a race one day…

Jordan Shank

Rafa Mercado

I had a great race on Ironman Texas last saturday, it was my first ironman and I fuel the whole race with UCAN, Energy 28 and MAP! My only issue during the race was that I over hydrated, so lost a lot of time on T2 while my body abruptly disposed all the excess water I was no longer able to process. Not a single GU, Powerbar or perform. I did grab some oranges on the run and chicken broth to re asses my nutrition after emptying my stomach at T2 the rest UCAN on flask.

We face though conditions the most DFN at ironman Texas, we face such a mild spring that the sudden heat and humidity on race day took his toll on most athletes; I follow your advise and two week prior I was in the sauna every other day acclimating my body.


Your book and advise were instrumental to complete my ironman!

Thanks for all your help

Rafa Mercado

"Let's Quickly Clear Up a Few FAQ's..."

Q. "Is this plan for males and females? I've noticed most of the pictures are this site are GUYS!"

Answer from Ben Greenfield: "More than half of the clients that I coach for triathlon are female, my wife is a triathlete, and the Triathlon Dominator plan is absolutely written for both men AND women!"

Q. "Is the 36 Week Ironman training plan a STRICT 36 weeks, or can I modify it at all to conincide with my training schedule or available time?"

Answer from Ben Greenfield: "Ideally, you are supposed to insert the plan 36 weeks out from your scheduled race. But there is flexibility because you can, if necessary, eliminate part or all of the 4 weeks of Base 4, making it a 32-36 week plan. If you wanted to fit the plan into even fewer weeks than that, you COULD eliminate part or all of the 4 weeks of Base 3, but I only recommend that if you have pretty good fitness levels going in."

Q. "Ben, if you would release a version of this plan for athletes who favor the Olympic distance, I would buy it. Would you consider it?"

Answer from Ben Greenfield: "Because it already focuses on intensity and quality over volume and time, this plan could easily be modified for Olympic distance with just three simple steps by:
A) taking all the weekend workouts and reducing their length by about 60%...
B) maintaining all the weekday workouts "as is"...
C) removing two of the four snacks from the daily meal plan, and choosing the "low-end" on the calore intake recommendations..."

Q. "Is this program compatible with TrainingPeaks?"

Answer from Ben: "The Triathlon Dominator is 100% compatible with TrainingPeaks. You have the full option to use TrainingPeaks with The Triathlon Dominator Package! No matter which version you choose, we'll give you full free access to a free TrainingPeaks account and a free version of the plan that you can use in TrainingPeaks - but you don't have to use TrainingPeaks for the plan unless you want to."

Q. "How fit do I need to be to get started, and can I skip any parts of the program if I'm pretty fit already?"

Answer from Ben Greenfield: "I'd recommend that you be able to swim 8-10 laps in a pool without stopping, be able to run 3 miles without stopping, and be able to ride a bike for 40 minutes. If you're fit already, you can get away with skipping the first "base" period of the program (meaning the first 4-12 weeks, depending on your fitness level)."

Q. "Can this program be used for Duathlon?"
Answer from Ben Greenfield: "Yes, the program could also be modified for Duathlon. Since most Duathlons are shorter distance than Ironman, you'll want to decrease total weekend volume by 40-60%, remove one to two of the four snacks from the daily meal plan, choose the "low-end" on the calore intake recommendations, and eliminate the swim workouts or make them optional."

Q. "I've never downloaded any electronic versions before and was curious to how it works. I'll be working 24 hours the day the package becomes available and will only have about 10 min to purchase the package via work computer. Will I be able to download the program at a later day (maybe two days later) when I am on my home computer?"

Answer from Ben Greenfield: "If you order the electronic version of The Triathlon Dominator Package, it will be delivered as a collection of .pdf book files and .mp3 audio files, which you can access from ANYWHERE (including later on) after you purchase because you will have a link with a special username and password sent to you in an e-mail after you order. You can download the files to any computer you choose, you can download the audio to your .mp3 player, you can view the videos on your computer or online, and have full access anywhere!"

Q. "I have recently discovered your podcast and triathlon programs and am very intrigued. I am 35 years old and just completed my first year of training and racing triathlons. I completed two Half Ironman distance races and one olympic distance race. I will compete in a full ironman race within the next few years but want to focus on and improve my Half Iron racing first. My first question regarding your Triathlon Dominator program is can I tailor it to Half Iron training and racing? My second question is how is speed work incorporated, when most of the training appears to be HIT? Is one able to trigger the physiological adaptations of both aerobic and anaerobic endurance with HIT? My third question is; how is pacing strategy worked into the training? Are heart rate zones incorporated into the training?"

Answer from Ben Greenfield: "The program can be tailored for Half Ironman by doing exactly what I do: keep the weekday workouts as they currently are, but reduce the weekend volume in the program by about 40%.
With this reduction in volume, you will also want to eliminate two of the meal plan "snacks" on the weekends.
All pacing and intensity prescriptions are incorporated using heart rate monitoring for bike and run, and T-Pace 100m time for the swim, although you are also given instructions for incorporating power on the bike IF you have a power meter.
HIT actually *is* speedwork! There are longer, what would be considered "Zone 3" tempo longer interval efforts, but there are also many "Zone 4-5" shorter more intense intervals as well, so using the modifications above, you could do very well in Half Ironman with this program!"

Q. "I'm considering your training plan, but I want to tell you a bit about myself and my history to see if this is the plan for me, or if you have another plan that would work for me as well.
I've completed 2 marathons. My PR is 5:07. It was my first. My 2nd was scheduled 3 weeks after a HIM. My training was there, but I don't think my body was recovered enough. Add to that it was the hottest race in race history. I crawled across in 5:30, and was beside myself with embarrassment. I just can't seem to wrap my mind around the distance.
I've completed 3 HIMs. My PR is 6:13:13. My first was the WildFlower long course, which I was woefully unprepared for. The 2nd was a local one that I simply was not ready for; I resumed hardcore training about 6 weeks out. My most recent, and PR, was 70.3 New Orleans; it was the only LC race I've ever felt truely ready for.
I recently finished my first full Iron at IM-MOO. My time was 15:27:18. It involved diarreha, vomiting, bonking and more than my fair share of the Ironman Shuffle. I know I can go faster, but I had no idea what to expect or how to train nutritionally.
As I'm sure you've gleaned thus far, my main problems are sticking to a training plan and planning my nutrition. I can stick to a plan very well now, it was last year that had lots of interruptions. Nutritionally I am lost, but I'm recently out of college and living with my parents (temporarily!), so cooking, keeping good food in the house and paying for it all is a challenge for me. That, and ignorance!
My questions thus far are:
1) I eat better than my peers, but my peers are 21 year old frat guys. I'm VERY skeptical that I can consume this premium rocket fuel, and ONLY this premium rocket fuel, for 9 months without going insane.
2) I am used to the grind of "traditional" IM training. I have a very flexible work schedule, and don't really mind getting out there and hitting the road for 4-5 hours, the running trails for 2-3 or the lake for 1.5 every week. Seeing as how this plan does away with all of that, is there something in the middle that may make me faster? I'm looking to build up over a few years to qualify for Kona sometime in the next 4-5 years, if possible. (I'm entering into the 25-29 AG next season). I am NOT expecting this to be an overnight fix; I fully anticipate this to take a really long time. I've found my genes are less than ideal; I'm the only person on either side of my family that so much as exercises recreationally. What do you think?"

Answer from Ben Greenfield: "As far as a plan that is "in the middle", if you were to take this plan and add in a few extra century rides, some added swim yardage and a couple miles tacked to the end of the runs, you would definitely be doing increased volume. BUT I can't guarantee that added volume is going to make you faster! That's the whole basis of the plan - intensity trumps volume.
As far as the eating...as I sit here typing this e-mail while eating a piping hot bowl of oatmeal with chocolate whey protein powder, Cinnamon, raisin, and almond butter, I must say that it actually *IS* possible to eat healthy and have it taste good! I love food, and created Holistic Fueling for Ironman Triathletes around much of the eating that I personally do..."

Q. "How is your plan set up? Does it lay out progressively harder workouts to do like an online training plan? Is it more like the TTB, written as a non-fiction book with loads of info on theory, and maybe an example or two, leaving the reader to craft a plan for his/herself? Or is it some combination of the two?
I have to say I'm considering the expense simply for the nutrition/supplements information. I'm still not convinced I have what it takes to revamp my diet, but the information is certainly timeless and may help me more when I have my own place and starting to make more money. I just want to know exactly how this plan will back up its guarantee.
And, I'm not a volume snob. I just assume, like all other novices, that volume is necessary to excell at Ironman. I could not imagine training for an Ironman without the traditional base fitness built, sufficiently or questionably. It's the very notion that there are ways around it that intrigue me.
One last thing, I don't have a power meter. How vital is that to the training? Should I, off the record, just suck it up and buy one because it's THAT important? I've had friends try to convince me to buy one for some time now. I've only recently come around to owning a Garmin."

Answer from Ben Greenfield: "Regarding plan set-up, DEFINITELY the former. Some theory, but mostly just tells you what to do!
This plan in now way eliminates base. You WILL have a couple weekends where you do a 100 mile ride and a 20 minute run, then turn around the next morning and run 12 miles. BUT there is much less volume than the average Ironman plan, primarily due to the prevalence of HIT training and a good diet.
P.S. I don't have a Power meter either. I use a regular basic Timex heart rate monitor."

Ben Greenfield's "No Questions Asked" Money-Back Guarantee

ironman ceo

Ben Greenfield's "No Questions Asked" Money Back Guarantee means that if you get your books, DVD's and CD's in the mail and decide within 30 days that you feel like you just don't have what it takes to dominate Ironman, just call or e-mail our customer support and we'll take the entire training Ironman dominating package right back, no questions asked!

"So What Are the Steps Involved In Using The Triathlon Dominator?"

Farther down this page, you get to choose whether you want the entire Triathlon Dominator program shipped as a secure package straight to your front doorstep, or you can instantly download the entire package to your computer.

Once you have the program, you simply begin with Week 1 of the 36 Week Training Plan, Week 1 of the Meal Plans in the Holistic Fueling manual, and also pop in the bonus Audio CD's or mp3's as you're driving, bicycling, running, or sitting at your desk.

And if your Half Ironman or Ironman triathlon is less than 36 weeks away, and you have a decent level of fitness, you can simply jump into the program where ever you desire and still have the advantage of zero guesswork in your training and eating!

The fact is that you are going to have questions about any new program you start, no matter how nicely it's laid out. So even with the entire fleet of no-guesswork book's, CD's and DVD's included in The Triathlon Dominator Package, Ben Greenfield has decided to sweeten the deal with a even more with a FREE BONUS by offering you Instant 24-7 Triathlon Coach to ask any triathlon training or nutrition questions you may have. Can you imagine having access to your own triathlon coach - the guy who wrote your program - at any minute of the day?

triathlon coachHere's how Instant 24-7 Triathlon Coach works: during the entire 9 month period of preparation for your Ironman, if you have any questions about your The Triathlon Dominator Package, you can simply go to the special support link you will receive with your order and you are guaranteed an instant detailed personal response from coach Ben Greenfield within 24 hours!

You need a workout clarified? Questions about the meal plans? Supplementation? Stretching? Injuries? Simply ask your question and within 24 hours you will get an instant answer. This special FREE BONUS support link that you will be given when you order The Triathlon Dominator Package is guaranteed to go straight to Ben Greenfield - no spam filters, no junk filing, no crazy e-mail blocking systems! With Instant 24-7 Triathlon Coach, you'll have a smile on your face knowing that if anything happens leading up to your Ironman, expert assistance is just a single question away. You'll also be given complete access the Q&A and discussion features of the Triathlon Dominator Facebook page, along with tips and tricks interaction to the entire worldwide community of other Triathlon Dominators.

EXTRA BONUS MATERIALS ADDED FOR THIS YEAR: You Now Also Get a 3 Month Off-Season Training Plan and A NEW "Qualify For Kona" Manual!

ironman training plan"Everything You've Been Looking For Is Right At Your Fingertips. Now Prepare Yourself to Be Blown Away By How Easy It Will Be For You To Have The Entire Package Right Now..."

I understand that The Triathlon Dominator Package is exclusively available on this website only, and I will instantly be receiving over $657 of valuable triathlon training blueprints. I understand that none of my friends can pick this up on Amazon or Barnes & Noble or the local library. I understand that at this exact moment, hundreds of hours of triathlon coaching advice is now available right at my fingertips, with the click of a mouse.

I understand that The Triathlon Dominator Package full version is available as either a hard copy delivered straight to my doorstep for just $197 or an electronic version that I can download and access right now on my computer for the exclusive web-only discounted price of $97! I can simply click on below to choose my version.

There may be risk of injury or other health risks if have not exercised before or have joint limitations. Please consult with your physician prior to beginning any training program to ensure that your body is adequately prepared to swim, bike, run and lift weights.

Ben GreenfieldP.S.- In case you were wondering, The Triathlon Dominator Package is the exact program that coach Ben Greenfield personally follows to consistently qualify for both the Ironman and Half Ironman World Championships year after year, while operating two full time businesses, raising twin boys, leading active and vibrant social life, playing tennis league and basketball tournaments, taking guitar lessons, and enjoying life to it's fullest.

But rather than keep these Ironman triathlon training and nutriton secrets to himself, he's decided to make them available for other busy men and women to enjoy. And remember, you get to choose: a hard copy delivered straight to your doorstep for just $197 or an electronic version that you can download and access immediately on your computer for the enormously web-only discounted price of $97!

Whichever version you choose, here's to your Ironman domination this Triathlon Season! If you have any questions, don't hesitate to contact our Help Desk. Congratulations on finding the final solution for the busy, important person to dominate Ironman triathlon.

Train for Ironman Triathlon

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